How To Clean and Maintain a Wedding Dress in Storage

After a marriage ceremony, you might want to hang on to your wedding dress for a while afterwards. Some brides will opt to put their wedding dress back into the second-hand market while, for others, preserving theirs for years – even decades – is desirable. After all, wedding dresses are often handed down through the generations and a garment that has been passed on often has great sentimental value. Simply putting a wedding dress into a wardrobe and hoping for the best is not good enough, however. Read More 

How To Keep Your Bathroom Grouting Clean

Mucky grouting is the bane of many house-proud homeowners. Somehow, the putty we use to keep tiles in place just seems to attract dirt: it only takes a couple of years for most grouting to fade from brilliant white to a sort of dirty grey, and it's not long after that before it takes on a rather horrible brown tinge! If you'd like to avoid this eventuality, there are a few things you can do to get your bathroom grouting as sparkling-clean as your bathroom sink. Read More 

How To Keep Your Bathroom Tiles Clean Without Harsh Chemicals

Soap scum, mildew and mould can build up quickly on bathroom tiles and grout, but commercial tile cleaners contains chemicals, such as formaldehyde, that have been linked to the development of cancer and respiratory health problems. As people become more aware of the dangers of using chemicals in the home, more are opting to clean without chemicals. Keeping your bathroom tiles and grout clean helps retain the look of your bathroom, but it also keeps mould and bacteria at bay. Read More 

How to Clean the Outside of High Uni Room Windows

Your campus room at university is the place you call home and it may well be the place where you do most of your study. Having access to natural light is important while you're working, but if the outside of your window is really dirty, your room may become dark and depressing inside. If you aren't on the ground floor, you may not have access to the outside of your window to give it a clean; security concerns may also mean you can't open your window far enough to clean its outside. Read More 

How to Clean Your Home to Reduce Asthma Symptoms

If you've recently been diagnosed with asthma, you might be wondering what you can do to make your environment as comfortable as possible. Asthma attacks can be triggered by particles in the air, sudden changes in temperature, or other irritants like cigarette smoke. There are lots of simple changes you can make to your home to reduce symptoms, and a deep clean is a great start. By ensuring that your house is as clean as possible, you'll be able to eliminate triggers like dust and mould, and narrow down other factors that contribute to asthma flare-ups. Read More